Thursday 23 April 2009

Could it be stress?

Today I went back to the doctor.

Firstly I had not heard the results of my blood test. Thankfully, it was all normal.

And secondly I am still suffering from this allergy. The doctor reassured me that it was likely to be a genuine allergy rather than anything more permanent or more serious. He said that I might have had an allergy for years without knowing it, but a bout of stress could have triggered if to react more obviously. And I guess for a number of reasons I have been under some stress recently. But how I reduce that I don't exactly know.

So for the moment I continue with the anti-histamine tablets. And I try not to scratch too much.

1 comment:

James Hill said...

Could you have an allergy to something in fabric conditioner, soap powder, soap? SLS maybe? I don't believe half of the stuff written about Sodium Laurel Sulphate but I *know* that once I had taken it out of my toothpaste, the ulcers cleared up and never came back and once I found a shampoo and body wash without it, the rashes went away.
It's a possibility. Worked for me, your mileage may vary as they say.

All the best.