Tuesday 2 January 2007

New Year Resolutions 2007

I start 2007 with a mixture of optimism & apprehension, energy & lethargy. Such a strange mixture. And a confusing one!

The year just gone was a year of many successes, lots of achievements, some really enjoyable moments - yet many targets missed. Again I simply failed to get going with my resolutions and my time was not always spend as well as it could have been. But I know I can be too hard on myself. At my age, I need some time to relax and to do nothing particularly strenuous. Listen to music. Go to the theatre. Go for a walk. And I need to feel less guilty about the way I spend my free time.

So in 2007, I have fewer resolutions. Indeed I have no specific resolutions. I am not going to give up anything. Not totally.

But I must cut down on two things -
Alcohol. I do drink too much and too often. For the sake of my health and my sanity, I will reduce my alcohol intake.
Internet browsing. Too much time has been spent generally browsing sites. I do not necessarily wish to reduce my total time on the internet, but I must use that time more effectively.

And I must make more effort on four areas -
My flat. I need to get my flat into better shape - cleaner and less cluttered and hopefully with some the pending jobs actually getting done.
Time. I need to manage my time better. Complete tasks; give sufficient time to helping Andrew with Amro; get out more, especially on the golf course and tennis court; take some time to myself.
Work. I must make progress at work with AGI and try to do it in a mature way.
Andrew. I need to, and want to, be there for Andrew when he needs me. He is the most important person in my life - I get the benefit of that and I must also be aware of my responsibilities.

As ever, I have a need for balance. I didn't always get that right in 2006. I need to redefine my priorities and put all competing tasks into perspective and into balance.

And now I need to repeat something I said last year. ´I don’t know what the future holds. Outside events may alter my life. Many things I cannot change. Many things I should not change. Many things I must change. I need to exercise judgement in deciding the right category. Of course sometimes I will be sad, depressed and angry. I need to control those emotions as best I can, and move forward just being myself, but a slightly better version of myself than hitherto´.

Life is short - years pass ever faster. Carpe Diem.

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